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Veuve Clicquot Non Vintage 375ml

Veuve Clicquot Non Vintage 375ml

Veuve Clicquot Non Vintage 375ml

$52.99 - $49.99 (by the mix case)

First, Yellow Label looks beautiful: golden-yellow, with a foaming necklace of tiny bubbles. Next it is so pleasing to the nose: initially reminiscent of white fruits and raisins, then of vanilla and later of brioche. Note the fine balance between the fruity aromas coming from the grape varieties and the toasty aromas following the ageing in the bottle. The first sip delivers all the freshness and forcefulness so typical of Yellow Label with a symphony of fruit tastes following on. Here is a true member of the powerful Brut family, well structured, admirably vinous.

$52.99 ea

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SKU: 7148. Category: Sparkling Wines/Sparkling Wines.

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12 bottles